In observance of World Diabetes Day 2024, themed Breaking Barriers: Bridging Gaps United to Strengthen Diabetes Well-being, C.L. Baid Metha College of Pharmacy, in collaboration with Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre, organized a free medical camp on November 18, 2024.
The camp offered blood sugar testing, blood pressure monitoring, and BMI assessments, benefitting over 100 participants. This initiative aimed to promote diabetes awareness and encourage healthier lifestyles.
Best Academic Institution of the Year 2023-2024 for the Pharm.D Programme
Our Institution C. L. Baid Metha College of Pharmacy was honoured as the Best Academic Institution for Pharm.D programme in the academic year 2023-2024. The award was presented by Thiru.Ma.Subramanian Honourable Health Minister, Government of Tamil Nadu and presided by Prof.Dr.K.Narayanasamy, MD., DM. (Gastro) Vice Chancellor, The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University.
C.L. Baid Metha College of Pharmacy for their outstanding performance at the United Pharma Trophy 2024! Here are the achievements of their students:
First Prize in Singles Chess: Ms. Mohana Priya
Second Runner-up in Football (Boys)
These accomplishments showcase the diverse talents and skills of the students from C.L. Baid Metha College of Pharmacy across different disciplines at the event held in Coimbatore.
Students from C.L. Baid Metha College of Pharmacy secured a total of 5 prizes during the Two-Day International Conference on “Global Aspects of Pharmaceutical Care – The Present & Future Trends” (ICGAPC-2024). Competing against 27 colleges and 6 departments they earned First, Second, and Third prizes in various categories.
The lists are
1st Prize – Pharmacognosy – Sneha Mavis M
1st Prize – Medicinal Chemistry – Yuasree R
2nd Prize – Pharmaceutics – Yugesh S
2nd Prize – Pharmacy Practice – Aadhira J
3rd Prize Medicinal Chemistry – Gnana Priyan
C. L. Baid Metha College of Pharmacy in association with Government Stanley hospital jointly inaugurated the grand opening ceremony of the Drug Information Center at Government Stanley hospital today 9th of September 2024.
The center was inaugurated by Honorable Thiru. Ma.Subramanian, Minister for Health and Family Welfare of Tamil Nadu for the benefit of general public.
Speakers For the “The academic sessions”
Exploring the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in the future of healthcare by Dr. Dhatchana Moorthy
“The focus then shifted to the critical aspect of research in healthcare with Dr. S. Kalpana’s
Dr. Suduraoli then tackled a crucial issue in healthcare: medication errors.
Dr. Ebtesam Ahmed, who shared her expertise on the safety of pharmacy practices across various contexts.
Dr. Nisha B, Associate Dean of Research, Saveetha Medical College and Hospital emphasizing the importance of clarity, innovation, and alignment with funding priorities.
Mrs. Vidya R, M.Sc.,PGDCR, MBA, Project Manager-BIRAC
Dr. Eashwaramoorthy B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Principal Scientist, CSIR, Chennai
Faculty Development Programme on ‘FOSTERING RESILIENCE IN DOMAINS OF PHARMA RESEARCH’ began on an auspicious note with a traditional inauguration ceremony. We were honored by the presence of our respected Chairman Mr. Srinivasan R, Secretary and Correspondent Mr. SA Ramesh, Executive Trustee TNCDE Trust Mr. K.K. Selvan, Principal Dr. C.N. Nalini, Director Dr. Grace Rathnam, Vice Principal Dr. N. Ramalakshmi, Fulbright Scholar Dr. Ebtesam Ahmed, and today’s Speaker Dr. Dhatchana Moorthy. The ceremony featured a heartfelt prayer song and the symbolic lighting of the lamp.
Prof. M.L. Schroff’s Birth Anniversary marked as National Pharmacy Education Day celebrated at our institute’s Prof. M.L. Schroff Seminar Hall, featuring Dr. V. Venkateswarlu, MD of NEUHEIT Pharma Technologies Pvt. Ltd. as the keynote speaker, with Dr. S. Kavimani, Central Council Member of PCI in attendance. The Chairman’s Endowment Award 2024 was introduced, and Ms. S. Menaka from the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry received the honor for her exceptional research contributions.
On February 26, 2024, the INVICTUS 2024 sports inauguration saw Principal Dr. C.N. Nalini lighting the Olympic torch, passed to student representatives; Director Dr. Grace Rathnam releasing the banner; and Vice Principal Dr. N. Ramalakshmi releasing balloons, symbolizing the spirit of goodwill in the games.
Mrs. C. Kavitha, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, participated and awarded third price in Oral Presentation in the International conference on “Integrative Approach of Ayush Medicine in Healthcare” held on 6th and 7th January 2024 conducted by Captain Srinivasa Murthy Central Ayurveda Research Institute, at National Institute of Ocean Technology, Pallikaranai, Chennai.
B.Pharm Induction Program – 2023